All posts filed under: Weekly Photos

One+Four=Life. Weekly Photos 20/52

1. We had a 14th birthday this week, yikes a proper teenager in the house now! I made a Strawberry Shortcake Ice cream cake for the occasion. 2. Some of my lavender is catching up with some growing, but this end of the lavender bed is doing so well, I can’t wait to harvest some this year for lavender bags. 3. We went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens this weekend and saw some more lanterns, I love these dandelion clocks (I am not sure that is what they are supposed to be, but that is what they look like to me!). They were super sparkly in the sunshine. 4. While at the gardens we went to visit the koi carp in the Japanese garden where you can buy 25 cents worth of food to throw in. Some of them are giants and look at those mouths all ready for food! I am joining with Meet Me at Mikes for this week’s One+Four=Life post, pop over there to see more snapshots of weeks around the world.